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Jackie Chan is satisfied with his limited edition car
来源:sanshou.net  发表人:老玩童   点击数:3632   发表日期:2005-11-16 13:16:31

  Chinanews, May 18 - According to the Hong Kong-based newspaper Ta Kung Pao, Jackie Chan has participated in the promotion of many famous brands of clothing, shoes, stationery and food in recent years. Several days ago, he unveiled a limited edition four-wheel drive car, which is especially customized to his personal taste.


  At the press conference in Singapore a few days ago, Jackie said that he should have cooperated with Parjero, but the plan was suspended because of the sudden pass-away of the car designer. Later he decided to work with his old partner Ralliart, one of the brands of Mitsubishi, and finally rolled out this limited edition car with a storage capacity of 3,500 cubic centimeters of oil. Only 50 such cars will be available throughout the world.

  As a car fan, Jackie has participated in the car design. The car, decorated with the symbols of "dragon", is said to "be comfortable as a sedan and powerful as a roadster." He added that making this car is to fulfill his dream, not to make money. The car price has not been announced yet due to its status of limited edition and different taxations all over the world.


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