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Bagua zhang
来源:sanshou.net  发表人:老玩童   点击数:4614   发表日期:2005-11-29 11:05:13

Bagua zhang

Bagua zhang (八卦掌 in pinyin: bā guà zhǎng) (Pa Kua Chang, Bagua Quan, Pa kua ch'üan, Bagua, Pakua, Pakua boxing, Pakua hand movements, Pa Kua circle walking) is one of the three major internal Chinese martial arts, the other two of which are Xingyiquan (形意拳) and Taijiquan (太極拳).

The word 'baguazhang' literally means "eight trigram palm". The trigrams refer to diagrams from the Yijing, one of the canons of Taoism. These diagrams in turn refer to eight animals, upon which in some styles of Baguazhang movements or fighting systems are based on.

The trigrams and their corresponding animals in martial arts are:

Li (離) - Chicken (鷂)
Kun (坤) - Qilin (麟) (sometimes mis-translated as unicorn or Chinese unicorn)
Dui (兌) - Monkey (猴)
Qian (乾) - Lion (獅)
Kan (坎) - Snake (蛇)
Gen (艮) - Bear (熊)
Zhen (震) - Long (龍) (often translated as Chinese dragon)
Xun (巽) - Fenghuang (鳳) (often mis-translated as phoenix or Chinese phoenix)
Similar types of animal systems exist in other types of Chinese martial arts.

A type of practice called circle walking is a well known stance training system of bagua. Practitioners walk in a circle facing the center, in a low stance, executing forms as they periodically change direction. Students first learn flexibility through such exercises, then move on to more complex forms and internal power mechanics. The internal aspects of bagua are very similar to those of xingyi and taiji. Eventually, many distinctive styles of weapons training are practiced, sometimes including the uniquely crescent-shaped deerhorn knives. In many schools, students study both xingyi and bagua. These may be used together in fighting, as they are often complementary. Bagua contains an extremely wide variety of techniques, including various strikes, low kicks, joint techniques, throws, and distinctively circular footwork.

Bagua was developed by Dong Haichuan (董海川) in the early 19th century, who apparently learnt from Taoist and Buddhist masters in the mountains of rural China. There is evidence to suggest a synthesis of several pre-existing martial arts taught and practiced in the region he lived in, combined with Taoist circle walking. (It should be noted that circle walking appears popular among the shamanic traditions, including a version practiced by Siberian shamans). Dong Haichuan taught for many years in Beijing, eventually earning patronage by the Imperial court. Famous disciples of Dong to become teachers were Yin Fu (尹福), Cheng Tinghua (程廷華), Song Changrong (宋長榮), Liu Fengchun (劉鳳春) and Ma Weiqi (馬維棋). Although they were all students of the same teacher, their methods of training and expressions of palm techniques differed. The Cheng and Liu styles are said to specialize in "Pushing" the palms, Yin style is known for "Threading" the palms, Song's followers practice "Plum Flower" (梅花 Mei Hua) palm technique and Ma style palms are known as "Hammers." Some of Dong Haichuan's students, including Cheng Tinghua (who was killed), participated in the Boxer Rebellion.

One of the most famous Bagua practitioners of the 20th century was Sun Lutang (孫録堂), Xingyiquan (形意拳) disciple of Guo Yunshen (郭雲深), and also studied Baguazhang under Cheng Tinghua. Sun Lutang became well known as the founder of one of the five major styles of Taijiquan (太極拳).

Guo Yunshen's rendering of baguazhang uniquely a series of sixty-four linear tactical forms that were taught before a student learns the distinctive circle walking practice of baguazhang. No one really knows where Guo came up with the tactical forms, or why it appears in his lineage, and no one else's. These forms are taught to correspond with the sixty-four hexagrams of Yijing, therefore suggesting a link with the eight trigrams of Yijing (eight times eight is sixty-four).

Yin-lineage baguazhang is known for the "ridiculously large broadsword" forms.

Few good teachers of bagua are available in the United States, and these tend not to advertise. Most are fairly traditional and will likely only reveal internal practices to dedicated students. This does not stop students from discussing and speculating in online forums, such as Dave Devere's EmptyFlower.com site.


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